I'm Drew Hosick


Tip Calculator Web App

picture for tip app calculator
The use case for creating this app was to learn some Javascript and DOM manipulation, as well as recreate a design given to me through the challenge website that had this as a project to work on.

Order Summary Web Component

picture for order summary web component
This web component was a study of design reproduction. While it doesn't do anything, it's an opportunity to learn to create web components that can pop up for a user.

Weather Forecast App

picture for weather forecast app
This app was a chance for me to learn to use APIs and call upon them to provide JSON data. I was also able to learn about local storage through this app as it saves your last search when you return to the page.

Clipboard App Landing Page

picture for weather forecast app
This is an example of a full langing page for a web app where you would be able to download it. While the links do not work, it was good design practice with some animations.

A little bit about me...

I'm a front-end web developer based out of Eastern Ontario, Canada. I'm passionate about coding and am looking for the right opportunity to join a team of other passionate programmers that want to create something great.

I'm also an aviation enthusiast and hope to one day get my private pilot's license.

One of the things I enjoy outside of coding is photography. It gives me another opportunity to create.

I've been taking photos as a hobby since 2007. I mostly like to take landscape, aviation and sports/action photography. Here's some of my work below.

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